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In the craziness of everyday life, in the busyness of work, home, and other commitments, have you ever stopped and thought, something is missing….there has to be more…there has to be another reason God blessed me with so much, other than to frantically run around all day trying to manage everything!
If you have been thinking this…feeling this, then it is time for you to become part of Missions for Humanity (MFH). Those pictures you see on TV of people living in mud homes with no electricity, clean water, or medical care are real… those pictures you see of people struggling here at home are real… and you can help them… you can make a difference in their lives.
Missions for Humanity is an ever growing organization built by the hard work of many volunteers… all of one heart, all wanting to serve others… in whatever way they can. Whether it be supporting MFH efforts collecting supplies for mission trips, working on fundraisers to raise money for medications and supplies, being one of over 230 people whose lives have been forever changed by sharing their talents on a mission trip, making a donation, or praying for the success of our efforts, MFH needs you and your support.
So, take a moment… step out of the “craziness”…listen to your heart… and become part of Missions for Humanity!
Deborah Almeida DMD
Elizabeth Blanchard MD
William Butler MD
Christopher Cheney MD
Sara Dickson BSN, RN
Jeanne LaRock, NP
Victoria McDonald
Pamela Prescott
Karen Quintin
Phillip Robitaille DDS
Kathy Rockett
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